Antibiotic Stewardship

Home 5 Antibiotic Stewardship

Combating Antibiotic Resistance

VHAN is working to increase the appropriate use of antibiotics and decrease the threat of antibiotic resistance through a new Antibiotic Stewardship Program. Antibiotic overuse significantly reduces the quality of care for both adults and children. At least 30% of outpatient-prescribed antibiotics are unnecessary, sometimes leading to ER visits for adverse drug events in patients of all ages. Learn more about proper antibiotic management below.


Upper Respiratory

Infection (URI)

Purpose of this work:
The symptoms of upper respiratory infections (URIs) typically include runny nose, sore throat and cough. Most URIs are caused by viruses, which don’t respond to antibiotics. VHAN’s Antibiotic Stewardship Program aims to:   

  • RReduce antibiotic prescriptions for these infections
  • RPromote treatment of symptoms at home
  • RCommunicate these goals to patients
  • RFacilitate a positive patient experience

Case Study: Vanderbilt Antimicrobial Stewardship Program

Antibiotic resistance caused nearly 5 million associated deaths worldwide in 2019. To fight the crisis of resistance and ensure optimum use of antibiotics, a team of Vanderbilt University Medical Center physicians and pharmacists created the Vanderbilt Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (VASP). Read more about the VASP team’s efforts below.

Suggested Resources

Badge Buddy - Adult

These convenient badge-sized versions of the pocket cards give clinicians a quick glance at important prescriber guidance.

Badge Buddy - Pediatrics

These convenient badge-sized versions of the pocket cards give clinicians a quick glance at important prescriber guidance.

Pocket Card - Pediatrics

These cards contain clinical algorithms to help determine when to prescribe antibiotics and when to suggest alternates.

Pocket Card - Adult

These cards contain clinical algorithms to help determine when to prescribe antibiotics and when to suggest alternates.

To view more resources related to this specific topic, visit the VHAN Resource Library.