Project ECHO
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Join a Project ECHO 

Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is a collaborative learning program that seeks to address health care disparities with low-cost, high-impact interventions. VHAN’s Project ECHO sessions focus on addressing depression and anxiety in the primary care setting.

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What Is Project ECHO?

 Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is a collaborative learning program that aims to address health-related differences through affordable and highly effective interventions. The program was designed to provide patients with access to the specialty care they need, when they need it, for complex and treatable conditions. VHAN’s Project ECHO sessions focus on addressing depression and anxiety in the primary care setting.

Principles of Collaboration in the ECHO Model


Use technology to leverage scarce resources.

Share best practices to ensure quality care for all.

Apply case-based learning to master complexity.

Evaluate and monitor outcomes.

How Does It Work?

Didactic Education & Support

Subject matter experts help manage patient cases and offer mentoring, guidance, feedback and didactic education.

Collaborative Live Sessions

The one-hour sessions have a dedicated time for Q&A about the didactic presentation, followed by a case presentation and discussion. Sessions are conducted through video conferencing. 

Supported by the Project ECHO Model